English (United Kingdom)

What is a SWIFT code or SWIFT number?

SWIFT code (or BIC code) is a unique code that helps international banks to identify bank branches and proceed with international money transfers quickly, accurately and securely.

SWIFT code usually includes 8-11 alphanumerical characters identifying country, city, bank name and bank branches based on the format of Business Identifier Codes (BIC) and is unique for each bank account on the international level

When do you need a SWIFT code?

A SWIFT code is usually required for overseas money transfers as it is used to identify individual banks and verify international payments.

For example if you want to make an international money transfer from a Cyprus bank to a bank abroad then the bank in Cyprus might ask for the SWIFT code of the receiver to identify the bank branch.

Globalserve consultants Ltd is a reputable authorized introducer to several banks in Cyprus and abroad providing bank account opening internationally. All banks cooperating with us provide SWIFT number for your overseas transactions.

You can contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information on our services and receive list of banks cooperated with based on your business activity and international transactions.


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