Greek (Greece)

We would like to communicate you that Belize Companies & Corporate Affaires Registry has announced that from November 28th 2022 will go fully online.

Below are some important dates in respect to the Online Business Registry System (OBRS) for your information:

  • November 4th to November 27th

Companies Registry will stop new incomings and will process all orders received prior to November 4th no later than November 18th (this means no new order will be accepted as of November 4th under the present system)


  • November 28th

Registry restarts operations and its Re-registration process commences (this means all services will be done under the new OBRS and register agents will commence the re-registration of all companies under their management)


Under the new Belize Companies Act, 2022:

  • Only Licenses Register Agents will be allowed to access the OBRS and incorporate companies 
  • All IBCs will be transitioned into and known as a Foreign Company 
  • Foreign Companies will be issued a new 9 digit company number and an E- certificate following re-registration by its agents


We await the Guidelines to the new Belize Companies Act, 2022 which will provide us with implementation and administrative guidelines that we will share with you at such time. Until then, we encourage you to submit all requests for service on or before November 4th , 2022 since services will not be accessible again until November 28th, 2022.

 We remain at your disposal and look forward to receive your requests.


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