All Cyprus companies regardless if they are dormant or not, have an obligation to prepare and file audited Financial Statements to both the Registrar of Companies and the Tax Authorities. Additionally, banks are requesting audited Financial Statements for 2023 and 2024.
We would like to inform you about the amendments announced by the BVI Financial Services Commission related to all BVI Business Companies and new obligations as of 2nd of January 2025. The recent changes affect the filing obligations of BVI business companies, introducing additional requirements for submitting registers of directors and establishing new obligations for filing registers of members and beneficial ownership information with the Registrar, among other changes.
Based on the Decree ΚΔΠ 455/2024, issued by the Minister of Labour & Social Insurance, all employers in Cyprus are obliged to register the essential terms of employment of all their employees to “ERGANI” information system until February 28th, 2025.
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